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Wallonia Export-Investment Agency EEN & EU Office

The Wallonia Export-Investment Agency EEN & EU Office is an integral part of the Walloon Export Agency's network of economic and trade representations. Like the General Delegation of Wallonia-Brussels to the EU, it is based at the Permanent representation of Belgium to the European Union.

Its main mission is to contribute to the development of international partnerships through the European Union's actions related to economic diplomacy, the international development of businesses and the legal and regulatory environment. For the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency EEN & EU Office, it is essential that operators and companies benefit from better access to the opportunities offered by the EU, whether through its programmes or its relations with partner countries.

The Wallonia Export-Investment Agency coordinates the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), a vast proximity network co-financed by the European Commission. It brings together more than 600 organisations from more than 70 countries. EEN has the largest database of business opportunities in the EU and organises B2Bs abroad.